Who Was Julius Caesar? How Did He Die?

Who Was Julius Caesar?

Who Was Julius Caesar: Gaius Julius Caesar, a Roman general, and statesman, lived from 12 July 100 BC to 15 March BC. Caesar, a member of the First Triumvirate, commanded the Roman legions throughout the Gallic Wars, defeated Pompey in a civil war, and then ruled the Roman Empire from 49 BC until he died in 44 BC.

He was a crucial player in the occasions that resulted in the fall of the Roman Republic and the establishment of the Roman Empire. The First Triumvirate, an informal political coalition that ruled Roman politics for several years, was founded in 60 BC by Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey.

The Optimates in the Roman Senate, including Cato the Younger with frequently Cicero’s backing, fought their attempts to consolidate power as Populares.

Through a series of military triumphs in the Gallic Wars, which were finished by 51 BC and considerably expanded Roman territory, Caesar advanced to become one of the most influential politicians in the Roman Republic. At the same time, he also constructed a bridge over the Rhine and invaded Britain.

These accomplishments and the backing of his seasoned army posed a challenge to Pompey’s standing, who had realigned himself with the Senate following Crassus’ passing in 53 BC.

The Senate commanded Caesar to relinquish command of his military forces and return to Rome after the Gallic Wars.

By crossing the Rubicon and leading an army into Rome in 49 BC, Caesar disobeyed the Senate’s rule publicly. This sparked Caesar’s civil war, which he ultimately won, placing him in 45 BC in a position of almost uncontested authority and influence. Similarly, we can now see individuals looking for Who Was Julius Caesar?

How Did Julius Caesar Become So Powerful?

Who Was Julius Caesar?
Who Was Julius Caesar?

Image Source: royaltynowstudios

Gaius Julius Caesar was born into a patrician family in Rome in 100 BC. Gaius Julius Caesar, Julius’ father, died while the future dictator was only 16 years old, leaving him in charge of the family at a very young age.

Julius’ early career featured many changes because this was a turbulent time in Roman history. After all, the dictator Sulla had temporarily toppled the Republic.

He joined the army to escape the disorder of Rome, where he prospered, and following Sulla’s retirement and passing, he started to pursue a political career.

But it was during his campaign in 60 BC against two other candidates for the position of Consul that Julius Caesar rose to fame. Caesar and a conservative candidate named Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus jointly won the election even though it was rife with corruption and massive bribery.

Caesar had formed an alliance with Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, also known as Pompey, after being sponsored by Marcus Licinius Crassus, one of Rome’s most affluent and influential political figures.

The three men combined their political and financial strength to run government affairs. Pompey was a well-known general with considerable political influence.

The First Triumvirate, a loose coalition of the three men, was solidified when Pompey wed Julia, the daughter of Julius Caesar.

This permitted Caesar, who had only been an elected politician for a year at that point, to effectively control Rome as one of three dictators, although he had only been so for a year.

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How Did Julius Caesar Die?

The Roman Senate had good reason to be worried. Caesar proclaimed himself Dictator for Life in February of 44 BC and started to take control away from the Senate.

At this moment, a scheme to assassinate Caesar before he could destroy the Republic was hatched. There were 40 senators total, with Cassius and Brutus at the forefront (who had previously been close allies to Caesar).

The conspirators surrounded Caesar as he entered the Senate on March 15th, 44 BC. Brutus launched the initial assault, stabbing the ruler in the back.

To his buddy and murderer, Caesar shouted out his dying words. Caesar stumbled to the floor of the senate as the other senators joined in. His time as Rome’s emperor was over as a result.

What Happened After Caesar’s Death?

Who Was Julius Caesar?
Who Was Julius Caesar?

Image Source: epsyhealth

Sadly, the senators’ plot to assassinate the “would-be” emperor to save the Republic flopped miserably. After Caesar’s demise, there was a power vacuum in Rome, and a civil war quickly broke out.

Marc Anthony, Caesar’s second-in-command, was on one side, and the assassination plotters were on the other. In the end, Anthony triumphed over the senators, and a new Triumvirate consisted of Marc Anthony, Octavian, Caesar’s great-nephew, and Lepidus, Caesar’s military leader.

The new Triumvirate did not last long because Marc Anthony and Octavian decided to fight each other after disagreeing.

After years of brutal combat, Octavian emerged as the winner. In 30 BC, he changed his name to Augustus and ascended to the throne of Rome. The Roman Republic was effectively over after this.

Caesar was revered as an Empire hero and elevated to a god. The conspirators, in contrast, either died or committed suicide.

Caesar was the first Roman citizen to be worshipped as a god and was honored with a temple. In the Roman Forum of Rome, Italy, close to the Regia and the Temple of Vesta, the Temple of Caesar was built, also known as the Temple of Divus Iulius.

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