Steven Crowder Divorce Podcaster About His Wife!

On Tuesday, Steven Crowder, a far-right podcaster, said on his show Louder With Crowder that he and his wife of almost ten years, Hilary, have been going through “what has become an increasingly horrible divorce” since 2021. Crowder, who raged against the legal right to a “no-fault” divorce in June, said his situation was like “living with a boot on my neck.”

“No, this was not my choice,” Crowder said Tuesday. He then said that he didn’t agree with the rules that let his wife leave him: “My then-wife decided she didn’t want to be married anymore, and in the state of Texas, that is perfectly legal.” Crowder said again that the situation wasn’t his fault and that Hilary just wanted to leave, which is how the law works.

His complaints about “no-fault” divorces from last summer make a lot more sense now. Should we go over it? “No-fault divorce, ” means that in many of these states, if a woman cheats on you, she goes, and she takes half.

Steven Crowder Divorce

So it’s not no-fault; it’s the man’s fault,” he said at the time, adding, “Marriage rules need to change, and I’m not even talking about same marriage.” I’m talking about rules about getting a divorce, paying alimony, and paying child support. Many celebrity divorces their wife. Let’s check out Sylvester Stallone’s Divorce: Why Did He Split From Wife After 25 Years Of Marriage?

“If you’re a poor woman who wants to get rich—you’ve never worked, you don’t have a degree, you don’t have any skills, but you’re pretty—the best way to do it is to marry a guy, leave him, and take half of his money. The divorce rules in this country need to be changed.”

Crowder’s feelings against divorce seem very personal now that we know more about them. But it’s also a larger trend among conservatives, as a study from Media Matters for America showed last year, and it’s happening at the same time that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has said he wants to change marriage laws. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Crowder, Matt Walsh, Tim Pool, and right-wing media sites like the National Review and the Daily Wire have all spoken out against no-fault divorce in the past year.

No-fault divorce was first made legal in California in 1969. It has always been a feminist problem because it makes it easy for people who have been abused in their marriages to leave without having to go through a lot of trouble. Given how much property and financial rights are tied to marriage, a no-fault divorce is also important to avoid financial abuse.

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Crowder and other right-wingers have instead told themselves that “gold-digging” women use no-fault divorce to scam men out of money. They’re afraid of how much power women have over their own lives, so they want to take that power and those rights away by changing the law to force women into marriages they don’t want and that could be cruel. You may check out the Michael Douglas Divorce: Was This A Tragic Love Story Ending?

On Tuesday’s episode of Crowder’s show, he said that his divorce was his “deepest personal failure” and what hurt him the most. He said that he still loves Hilary “as the mother of my children,” and he was upset that “she wanted something else for her life.” I know that Crowder wants his right-wing fans to like him, but why should I? I’m just glad that his wife is safe. And I’m worried about Crowder and his friends’ push to make no-fault divorce look bad.

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