Metal Gear Solid Producer Says 2023 Will Be ‘A Year Of Many Announcements’!

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid:  Sons of Liberty, a stealth game by Konami released in 2001, was challenging for director Hideo Kojima to decide to remove.

While the game’s intricate graphics were widely appreciated, several reviewers objected to a sequence in which a ship crashed into Manhattan Island. In a recent interview with IGN, Kojima discussed the challenging circumstances surrounding the game’s release in the wake of 9/11.

Because of how difficult the situation was, Kojima briefly considered leaving Konami but finally opted to stay after speaking with chairman Kagemasa Kozuki.

“The events of 9/11 occurred in 2001, just before Metal Gear Solid 2 was released. The Pentagon and the World Trade Center were both in the game, which we had just sent off the master for, according to Kojima.

“The game’s release appeared to be unattainable. They all became pale when I conveyed the situation to the board of directors. Except for Mr. Kozuki, who took charge of the case, no one would advise me.

Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid

Image Source: pinterest

When discussing the upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid 2, Kojima recalled that the company’s chairman informed him: “When this game is released, and society has its say about it, they’ll be talking about you, its developer, and me, the person who sold it. They probably won’t speak negatively about anyone else.  I’m prepared for anything to occur.

Kojima stated, “I decided we’d release it together when I learned how far he was willing to go. The remainder is history. Four hundred thousand copies of Metal Gear Solid 2 were sold in Japan on the first release day, making it a huge commercial success.

Similarly, we can now see individuals looking for Metal Gear Solid. If you think this is interesting, please share it with your friends. For more updates and the latest news regarding celebrities, Visit

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