Gemini Season Coinciding With Mercury Retrograde Will Inspire You to Dream Big This Month & More!

Gemini Season

Making your bed every day and avoiding going out too late on a work night are two of the things you’re adept at accomplishing. But, while that’s excellent, it’s also acceptable to occasionally stray from the path and have a good time. During this time of year, Geminis are at their peak.

Gemini season, which lasts from May 21 to June 20, is a great time to focus on having fun. According to Donna Page, a professional astrologer in Atlanta, you’ll be all about partying with your pals and having a wonderful time this month.

It’s not only that there’s more to the story. Even though Gemini season is just one of the 12 astrological seasons that take place each year, it will have a profound effect on nearly every aspect of your personal life.

This Gemini season, your zodiac sign can expect the following:

What does Gemini Season Mean for your Sign?

It’s time to get rid of that winter weight you’ve been experiencing since the sun sets at 4 p.m. As exciting as the future looks, the present is also going to be extremely taxing.

It’s like everyone and their mother wants to throw BBQs, clam bakes and bonfires and happy hours after the year(s) that we’ve all had. It’s peak wedding season, so dust out those dancing shoes and *J.Lo voice* hit the dance floor, just in case you missed it.

For the record, Mercury is in retrograde motion and aligned with the Sun during this year’s Gem season, resulting in a doubling of Mercury’s energy. Do you know what it means? New possibilities for your future will flood your mind.

Everything from contemplating a cross-country move to altering your hair colour to match the strawberries you just bought at the farmer’s market—because why not?—is included.

In addition, you’ll have a restored sense of self-confidence. It doesn’t matter if you want to learn how to do the crow pose in yoga or open your own Etsy business; there’s no reason why you can’t achieve your goals.

Gemini season is all about having a good time with your pals and having a good time. Why? Because it’s officially summer, baby!!!

All of the zodiac signs will be impacted by Gemini season, although Page predicts that Gemini, Aquarius, and Sagittarius will be the most affected. Page:

How will Gemini Season affect the Rest of Your Year?

If you haven’t had a good time in a while, anticipate this time to act as a reminder of how important it is to have fun on a regular basis. You’ll find yourself going out more, catching up with old friends, and generally appreciating life’s many blessings.

Gemini Season

It’s important to keep that good vibe in mind, even if it’s as simple as taking in a beautiful dawn in the summer.

It’s also a good idea to dream large because you’re capable of doing great things in the future. Be persistent in your hopes and wishes, as well as your actions. When things don’t go your way, use that extra confidence to remind yourself of your resiliency and awesomeness.

What’s the Next Zodiac Season?

It would be great if Gemini season lasted all year round! SAME. However, the Cancer season, which begins on June 21, 2022 and ends on July 22, 2022, is a close second. During this time, you’ll be able to connect with your pals in a meaningful way, and you’ll be able to feel the whole range of emotions as a result.

But for the time being, just have a good time. There is no doubt in my mind that you are deserving of this.

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