Alan Komissaroff Cause of Death: Fox News Vice President Dies At The Age of 47!

Two weeks after having a heart attack, Alan Komissaroff, senior vice president of news and politics at Fox News Media, passed away on Friday. He was 47.

On January 8, while exercising at home, Alan admitted to his wife, Rachael, that he wasn’t feeling well. A GoFundMe supported Rachael and their two kids.

“His heart stopped as paramedics were transporting him to the hospital after she dialed 911. He lost consciousness after falling into a coma and never came to “Added was the campaign.

“The family’s rock was Alan. He worked as a TV producer in New York for many years; although he enjoyed his job, he loved his wife and children much more.”

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It was revealed that Rachael works as a teacher in New York City, and “Alan’s top priority was for both of his children to have the opportunity to attend college. Even though Alan is no longer with us, we want to ensure that his goal endures.”

For more than 20 years, Alan was wed to Rachael, his high school sweetheart. They have a daughter named Olivia, 13, and a son named Ben, 17. Over $50,000 of GoFundMe’s $250,000 target has been raised as of Friday night.

In a statement given to PEOPLE, FOX News Media CEO Suzanne Scott and FOX News Media President Jay Wallace wrote, “We are completely heartbroken. This is an extraordinarily tough day for those who worked closely with Alan.”

According to a statement given to PEOPLE, Alan was a dependable veteran who was present when the news channel initially launched in 1996. He was a self-described and proud “true Brooklyn” native.

At the time, he had just received his college diploma. He gained the rank of Senior Vice President of News & Politics after working as a writer, producer, and showrunner.

Alan Komissaroff Cause of Death: Fox News Vice President Dies At The Age of 47!

He managed all political coverage in this capacity, from election seasons to daily news operations. Scott and Wallace stated that the 2018 midterm election coverage was unquestionably one of the best evenings of special coverage he created during his career, praising him as “the supreme producer.”

“During the most important events of our time, there was no more reliable or trusted coworker to be with, and his sharp wit and enthusiasm for news improved our work.

He developed a lot of lifelong friends here thanks to his razor-sharp humor and quick wit throughout his outstanding career, “both executives noted. ” As we collectively grieve the passing of a fantastic guy, our warmest sympathies are with them and Alan’s extended family,” the statement continued. On Sunday in the early afternoon, he will rest at Mount Sinai Memorial Chapels in East Brunswick, New Jersey.

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