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House Speaker McCarthy To Meet With Biden On Debt Ceiling!

House Speaker McCarthy

House Speaker McCarthy

The White House, who is House Speaker Kevin McCarthy‘s main negotiation ally, is skeptical of his stance that Medicare and Social Security cuts are not an option in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.

McCarthy is scheduled to meet with President Joe Biden on Wednesday in a face-to-face that has already been the subject of positioning and political messaging. Both parties are hoping that their actions will have an impact on the fight to raise the debt ceiling over the coming months.

While House Republicans have cast Wednesday’s meeting as the start of debt ceiling negotiations, White House officials have been confident there won’t be any negotiations on the subject. In response to a question from CNN about what he would say to McCarthy during that discussion, Biden said, “Show me your budget, and I’ll show you mine.”

The statement carried echoes of the push by White House officials and congressional Democrats to force Republicans to put a plan on the table – even as they insist there will be no negotiations on the matter.

White House officials have pushed for the political upper hand by questioning McCarthy’s commitment to leave Medicare and Social Security untouched, given the position of some members in the conference in the absence of a concrete plan, which Republicans have generally said will focus on spending cuts.

Republicans throughout the House conference are requesting changes to Medicare and Social Security in exchange for not causing an economic crisis, according to Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for the White House, who spoke to CNN.

“Yesterday, Speaker McCarthy seemed to be against it, but he then winked his approval for cuts to Medicare and Social Security to strengthen the programs. Is that their whole strategy? Another has not yet been observed.

In his interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” McCarthy, a California Republican, stated that he wanted to “find a fair and responsible manner that we can lift the debt ceiling, but take control of this reckless spending.” Bates was referring to that statement.

McCarthy said that he wants to “take things off the table” when asked about Social Security and Medicare. Still, he also referred to a comprehensive House GOP policy platform announced before the November elections and helped him win a slim majority.

McCarthy remarked, “If you read our Commitment to America, all we speak about is bolstering Medicare and Social Security. “We need to make sure we enhance those,” the president said, “even though I know he doesn’t want to look at it.”

The vow made by McCarthy, which has the support of former president Donald Trump, offers a glimpse into the complicated political factors that House Republicans must navigate as they push for talks while trying to come together around a proposal to put on the table.

White House officials have keenly watched House Republican choices that they perceive as both non-starters on the substantive front and politically advantageous. They have spent no time responding.

While Republicans and congressional Democrats have maintained a united front at the leadership level against genuine negotiations, the White House has worked closely with them to pressure Republicans to provide their proposal.

More generally, given the loud objections held by some in the conference regarding extending the debt ceiling, there are still serious doubts about whether House Republicans can secure the required 218 votes for anything.

Nevertheless, McCarthy’s decision to exclude amendments from the discussion while still focusing on Medicare and Social Security highlights the White House’s perception of the political importance of the two programs.

Officials from the White House argue that the phrase “strengthening” the programs is only a cover for the fundamental changes they are opposed to. That has emerged as the main line of attack in the still-emerging debate in the absence of a straightforward House Republican, with potentially devastating implications.

Republicans across the House Conference are now seeking changes to Medicare and Social Security to avoid causing an economic disaster, Bates claimed, as they vote for even more tax handouts for the wealthy.

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