First Lady Jill Biden Has Cancerous Lesions Removed!

First Lady Jill Biden

First Lady Jill Biden: According to the president’s physician, first lady Jill Biden had two malignant skin tumors completely removed on Wednesday. According to Kevin O’Connor, Biden had Mohs surgery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center as part of a routine outpatient treatment that was initially performed to remove a lesion from above her right eye.

According to medical professionals, basal cell carcinoma, the most prevalent type of cancer diagnosed in the United States, was identified as a lesion during surgery. Doctors discovered a lesion on Biden’s left side of her chest during her preoperative care that seemed to be basal cell carcinoma, according to O’Connor. According to O’Connor, the Mohs procedure was also used to remove the lesion, and all of the malignant tissue was cut out.

During the treatment, doctors found a small lesion on Biden’s left eyelid. However, they did not conclude that it was basal carcinoma. They took it for “normal microscopic investigation” and sent it to a lab.

Due to the early detection and removal of her skin cancer, experts say Biden had a great outlook. Because its lesions seldom spread, basal cell carcinoma is much less dangerous than other types of skin cancer, like melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Additionally, according to Mathew Avram, head of the Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, the cure rate for Mohs surgery is around 98 percent. Recurrence is extremely unlikely, according to Avram.

He continued, “It shouldn’t impact her long-term health.” Even when it does return, it only does so locally, necessitating further tissue removal. Basal cell carcinomas can be aggressive locally, but specialists said they rarely pose a long-term problem if all malignant tissue is removed.

According to Ashwani Rajput, head of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Washington, “there really shouldn’t be a difficulty for Dr. Biden.” “This usually solves the problem. There is no need for additional treatment because she has already undergone surgical resection.

There may be more difficulties if basal cell carcinomas are not found and removed early; however, this does not appear authentic with Jill Biden. The first lady “is in good spirits and feeling well,” according to O’Connor, “but has some face swelling and bruises.” On Wednesday night, she was supposed to return to the White House.

First Lady Jill Biden
First Lady Jill Biden

Image Source: foxnews

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Other presidents have dealt with similar issues. While he was president, Ronald Reagan had a tumor on his nose removed in 1985; the growth turned out to be basal cell carcinoma. In 1982, his wife, Nancy Reagan, was diagnosed with the same type of cancer on her top lip. She had it removed and didn’t require any additional care.

While serving as Ronald Reagan’s vice president in 1986, George H.W. Bush had basal cell carcinoma excised from his left cheek. The president and first lady have been married for 45 years and just got back from a trip to Mexico.

According to aides, Jill Biden is the president’s closest confidante, and if Biden decides to run for reelection in 2024 as expected, her backing would be crucial. The White House reported that Biden spent the entire day of Wednesday by his wife’s side before returning to the West Wing in the early evening.

“His wife is the topic today. During the White House media conference on Wednesday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that the president is currently focused on that.

In Mohs surgery, small layers of skin are cut, and each is carefully examined to see if it exhibits symptoms of skin cancer. Until there are no indications of malignancy, doctors continue to remove layers. The intention is to remove the damaged tissue while safeguarding the surrounding, healthy skin.

UV or sun exposure is the most common cause of basal cell carcinomas. Avram says they are more prevalent among fair-skinned individuals with less skin pigmentation. “You’ve cured it if you get all of it out. The most crucial piece of information about basal cell skin cancer is that, according to Avram.

It should not be mistaken for melanoma, a skin cancer that spreads and is significantly more deadly. The president has been attempting to allay concerns about his advanced age as he gears himself for a second presidential run at the time of Jill Biden’s procedure. Biden is 80 years old, making him the most senior president in the country, while Jill Biden is 71.

According to medical data, the president has not shown any signs of decline besides slight physical changes. Since the 2020 election, O’Connor noted that his walk had changed, becoming “stiffer and less fluid,” bringing to light a case of spine arthritis and the lingering consequences of a foot fracture.

The Biden family has battled much more severe cancers in the past. Beau Biden, diagnosed with the deadly brain disease glioblastoma in 2013, passed away in 2015. The president has frequently discussed his son’s disease and has made the battle against cancer one of his most important issues. He increasingly blames his son’s cancer on exposure to burn pits while fighting in Iraq with the military.

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About Kevin M.

Kevin is the Content Writer at, He Covers multiple categories along with the latest news. Kevin work on many articles like Controversy, Net Worth, Latest News and many more.

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