Ex Boyfriend Shot By Father: Video Shows Father Shooting, Killing Daughter’s Ex-Boyfriend!

Ex Boyfriend Shot By Father

Ex Boyfriend Shot By Father:  Ohio’s SIDNEY – The Ohio man who fatally shot his daughter’s ex-boyfriend as he broke into their home will not be prosecuted, it has been decided. The same is true of people currently looking for. Likewise, now we can see people searching for Ex Boyfriend Shot By Father.

According to WDTN, on July 31, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office in Sidney, Ohio, released surveillance video showing James Rayl, 22, approaching a house and repeatedly knocking on the front door. Voices could be heard telling Rayl to leave because his ex-girlfriend, 22 years old, does not want to see him.

Shots are fired, and a man can be heard shouting that he is armed as Rayl storms through the front door. Rayl staggered into the driveway after being shot three times and fell. Before the police arrive, a bystander is heard on camera saying, “he’s dead” and “he’s shot.” shortly after that.

According to law enforcement officials, Rayl was declared dead there. According to FOX News, the man’s daughter broke up with Rayl more than 18 months ago. Rayl reportedly arrived at her home between 11 a.m. and noon after leaving a voicemail the previous evening. The same is true of people currently looking for Ex Boyfriend Shot By their Father. If you find this to be interesting, please forward it along to your friends. Visit journalistjunction.com for the most up-to-date and recent celebrity news.

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