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Love Is Blind: Danielle Ruhl Talks Impact Of Her Mental Health

Danielle Ruhl Talks Impact Of Her Mental Health

Danielle Ruhl Talks Impact Of Her Mental Health

Love Is Blind from season 2 Danielle Ruhl keeps talking about how she says Netflix and Kinetic Content directors treated her while they were making the hit reality show. Danielle talked to ET’s Kevin Frazier for the first time via Zoom. Earlier this week, she told Business Insider about some of her own experiences.

Danielle Talks About Her Mental Health

Danielle got married to Nick Thompson, who is now her ex-husband, on season 2 of the hit reality show. She told ET that she did not get any medical or mental health help while filming the show.

“When I was experiencing some medical stuff in the pods, there were no doctors. When I was experiencing mental health issues, there were no therapists,” she claimed. “You kind of just had to rely on your producers to make you feel better.”

Danielle said that after the sh00ting was done, she got a call asking how she was doing, but that was the only follow-up she got.

“There was absolutely no therapist on set. There was absolutely no support after filming, and I will take that to my grave,” she insisted.

She said that it was very hard to get food and water in Mexico. She said that her hotel room TV had been turned off for “three days,” and that was the only way they could order food.

“I will say that we didn’t have to go that long without food and water, but it was solely because of the people we lived next to,” she shared, saying that a couple in the room next to theirs helped sneak them food. “It was solely because of the relationship. We didn’t get anything from production or from the hotel,” she claimed.

Danielle Ruhl Talks Impact Of Her Mental Health

She also talked about hiding in a closet during a panic attack after producers supposedly told her she couldn’t go to a cast get-together because they thought she had COVID, even though they let Nick, who was always around her, go. She later told her then-boyfriend and the team that she had “thoughts of k!ll!ng herself.”

“To the producers, I said, ‘You know what, I’m not trusting myself right now. I’ve tried committing suicide in the past. I haven’t had these type of feelings since high school.’ And in that moment, they all came rushing in, all of the producers, all of the crew, and instead of sending a therapist, they all kind of persuaded us to stay in an environment that I knew wasn’t going to be healthy for me,” she claimed.

Danielle said that her mental health was very bad after the show was over. Let’s read another post about love is blind season 4: Paul Love Is Blind: Why His And Rachel Relationship Ended?

“The aftermath of experiencing this doesn’t go away quickly. I mean, the first month, I couldn’t even leave the house. It is hard. So it’s gonna take me a while to feel myself again,” she admitted. “I felt like a shell. I didn’t feel like a human being. I wanted to dig myself in a hole and not come out of it… I was not myself. I wasn’t OK. After the show was released, it just amplified all that.”

She said that she went to “eight-hour therapy” a few days after the sh00ting ended. Even though Danielle asked Nick for a divorce in August 2022, she was proud of how he managed that time.

“It impacted both of us, and he did his best. It takes a lot of patience from both sides,” she explained. “But I was really glad to have him by my side during that whole period.”

Danielle still showed up at the show’s homecoming special and in the After the Altar special, even though she was having problems. She said that the way the show made her feel made her decide to take part.

Danielle said, “They try to convince you that going on and telling a different story will help your side.” “Like, ‘You’ll feel better if you do this, because people will like you again. And you won’t feel this way anymore.'”

After Danielle posted more accusations against Netflix and Kinetic on TikTok, her ex-boyfriend Nick also posted a video to his own account, saying that the limited food and water made him lose 15 pounds in three weeks and that there was “no mental health support before, during, or after.

In answer to the Business Insider article, Kinetic Content put out a statement that said, “The health and safety of our participants is the most important thing to us.” We have strict rules in place to make sure that everyone is taken care of before, during, and after sh00ting.”

Danielle is “so proud” of her ex for coming out, even though their breakup last year was hard.

“You know, we just didn’t get along, which is fine. I’m so proud of him and it means the world to me that, even though we’re no longer together, we’re still talking about the same thing and working toward the same goal,” she told ET of Nick.

Danielle said that the show’s co-hosts, Nick and Vanessa Lachey, did not know about her problems while sh00ting. As we read about season 4 of Love is Blind, Don’t you want to know About Kwame And Chelsea Still Together: Love Is Blind Season 4

“I never told Nick and Vanessa about this because it was COVID and they were less involved,” she said of the time when the movie was being made. “Vanessa really did care, and she called out to me after the show to see how my mind was. She sent me recordings of her voice. So she does care, but she didn’t know.”

Danielle told people who might want to be on the show in the future, “I would really want people to do their research by either reading this article or reading the fine print of the contract, talking to your own therapist and multiple other therapists, and connecting the psych eval to your own therapist.”

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